Saturday, February 16, 2008


Finally we're here! Well, its been a few days and yes I thought we would be blogging like crazy but even this effort has taken me two hours to get to the point of actually writing - something about my disc being full and therefore I can expect less than perfect performance. The other challenge is we really had no photos to share as every picture I've taken looks something like

this one with the "for sale" (vende) sign on the balcony. We have become obsessed with buying a place here! I'm not sure why we love it so much but a few reasons may be: 1 - it is NOT Brazil. 2 - It is the Paris in which we can afford to do everything. 3 - it's summer! 4 - wine for $1.25 a bottle (we haven't dipped that low yet) and simply an amazing urbanity.

To the right is our grand apartment - Lewis is peeking out the window. Its a nice break from our clean minimal new world in Vancouver to be in a 90 year old french style apartment (with a brand new italian kitchen). The photo at the top is the view from our place down Avenida Callao - pronounced "kashow" - very important in a land of non- english speaking taxi drivers. The domed building is the Congress - a block from our place and the focus for a lot of political activity. Since we were last here they've cleaned it up beautifully but also put a massive fence around the fountains to keep them in thier un-graffitied state. While it has a European mind, Argentina definitely has a latin soul. I promise to take photos of things other than apartments!


Rachel V. Olivier said...

So good to hear how you're doing. Those buildings are beautiful and I can so see you spending lengthy stays in them!

Unknown said...

Hi Guys: I've already talked w/you today, so I'm just here to comment on the photos, at last. Looks fabulous... warmth & sun make a great difference. Have you identified the creatures? do they bite? did you name them? where do they live? Nevermind. Looking forward to more and especially inside your 'hostel'.

Loads of love, Mum

Jim said...

Did you actually rent that fabulous apartment we saw and you said you wanted to live in? WOW!!!

Missing you both.